Ring up example sentences

Think of a child who loses her/his parents at a young age with no one to take care of her/him; a young woman who loses her husband in a car accident; parents who bring up children who are physically or mentally challenged; young girls/boys who have to spend long nights in call centres and then catch up on their sleep during the day time.The villagers of Jakmalgur are gearing up for a big festival.Just as I was gathering up the heap, in the distance I spotted our tonga.He'll ring up if he sees the police, but I don't want to leave .He would dash around to the other end to ambush its arrival, hide from it, crouching, to spring up and take it by surprise, grab it and trot off with it to the high end once more.) Seeing me sitting at my desk tearing up newspapers day in and day out, most people thought I was doing next to nothing.But when my feet hit bottom I summoned all my strength and made what I thought was a great spring upwards.

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